
Oct 7, 2016

Friday Faves - Fall Wishlist

I work from home on Fridays, and I have to admit... today I have had the worst trouble focusing. All I want to do is buy ALL the fall things.

All. The. Things.

So.. while my beef stew is bubbling on the stove (standby for the recipe), and my pumpkin candle is burning (so basic.. but my house smells divine).. I thought I would share a few of my favorite fall items I've got my eye on!

1. These precious puppy vests from Baxter Boo!

Wool Plaid Shearling Dog Jacket - Red
Baxter Boo
We have a camping trip planned for next month, and I am dying to get these for the babes to keep them warm and toasty. Plus, who wouldn't be obsessed with a dog in a vest?

2. These Matte purple Hunter Boots.

Hunter Boots

So I have had my eye on these forever. They scream fall.. and this purple is the best. Will I drop the $150 on them? Probs not. But a gal can dream.

3, This white Le Creuset Dutch Oven.

Le Creuset Signature Cast-Iron Round Dutch Oven, 3 1/2-Qt., Caribbean
Le Creuset
How classic is this white? I feel like it is the epitome of fall and winter. Not to mention, it would be gorgeous in my kitchen. I already have two others.. but hey, you can never have too many.. right?

4. OPI Fall nail colors - Purple in particular!

OPI - Skyfall Collection - Casino Royale nail polish:
OPI - Casino Royale
I can't wait to treat myself to a fall manicure ASAP.. because this will be my go to!

5. Over-sized Sweaters.

We met with the coldest weather in this winter .Go for a warm sweater dress beside your maxi down coat ,fashion & warm enough !:
Not that this should come as surprise, because this is the kind of thing I live in this time of year. Over-sized though.. long enough to throw on with leggings. If I could wear them every day, I would! Nothing better than a big comfy sweater and a good pair of boots!

What are some of your favorite things for fall? I could honestly go on and on and on. 

also - YAY FRIDAY! Weekend, how I missed you.


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