
Jul 12, 2016

Sunday Biscuits & Gravy

I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was so busy. We are having some minor renovations done on the house while simultaneously helping my 87 year old grandmother move into an assisted living home...... you can imagine the chaos :)

Saturday night after moving all day, my mom spent the night with me and we woke up Sunday morning and made biscuits and gravy. Now I can't take all the credit here, it is really my Mom's recipe.

It is the easiest biscuits & gravy you will ever make, I can promise you that.

You start out browning your ground sausage in a pan. I used my Dutch Oven because it browns the meat really well, and leaves the crusty brown bits on the bottom of the pan - which make your gravy the best.

Once you brown your sausage, throw about two to three teaspoons of flour over the sausage, mix it up real well and let it cook down for about 30 seconds.

Pour in about two cups of milk, ad let it cook down. When it starts to bubble, be sure to stir it so it doesn't stick. Stir all of those browned bits off the bottom of the pan to incorporate into the gravy.

Sprinkle in a generous portion of salt and pepper... (heavy on the pepper) and once the gravy is nice and thick, spoon it over your favorite biscuits.

I cheated and used frozen ones :)

SO easy! Who knew all you needed for a good sausage gravy is sausage, flour, and milk?? it was great news to me.

This weekend I moved my Granny's ancient baker's rack into my kitchen, along with some of her cookbooks from the 1930s. It is absolutely magical having such an old beautiful antique piece right in my kitchen, especially with such sentimental value. I love it so much.

We have so much happening at our house this week, from hardwoods to new appliances, it's so exciting. Can't wait to share the before and afters! Also, I tried several new recipes this week.. a few of which I am so excited to per-fect and share.. Happy Tuesday!


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