
Mar 21, 2016


Belly Rules Mind. It’s my truth.

I like to create things. I like food. I am passionate about it. I cook to feel good, and to eat well. It is the ultimate comfort for me. My week centers around what new recipe I am dying to try, what comfort food or deliciousness I can whip up. The weekends I live to shop markets, and watch the Food Network. 

Every bite, every pinch, tugs at my heart. I love to learn it, I love to create it, I love to share it, and I love to eat it.

We have to eat, why not love what we eat? Why not make each meal an experience? Something you look forward to, guilt free.

We are what we eat, so lets eat the good stuff. 

Another blog, right? I know, I know. Another young professional, 20-something, handing out wisdom or sharing her secrets for the best winged eye-liner. Where once you read the most recent success tips or diet tricks, you walk away thinking, How does she do it? Can I look that good? Can I have that style? Gah she's so skinny. All of this pressure to be successful, cook what's good for you, juice, the best yoga classes, the best workout style, the best hair tutorials, the best diets, the best accessories. The pressure to be successful at work, maintain the "eating clean" expectation, hit the gym, have the perfect proposal, the cutest apartment, the most flawless make-up. Live authentically. It's exhausting being a 20-something.

Give this up, fit this mold. 

Let me tell you, this is not a good time to give up donuts. 

Is there a place for the homebodies? The girl who lives to be at home on a Friday night, and really hates to workout? The girl who has her girlfriends over to cook for them and throw back some wine, who doesn't make it to a spin class or a yoga class at 8am Saturday morning? The girl with her head in a book, a top knot, and sweatpants as her go to. 

My constant lurking thought has been- “Can I be a blogger if I’m not great at makeup, or I don’t have a budding baby bump to creatively document?” No offense or knock to girl’s that do, but I am not cutting food into toddler friendly shapes here- or giving you the best workout style advice. I am not teaching you how to be Super Mom or how to accessorize your spring wardrobe. This is just a small slice, a quiet corner of the world where I can share my favorite things. Things that make me feel good. Food for the soul. This is where we can go to read things that make us warm and fuzzy, or inspire us to think, or better: laugh. Here, we will find solace in Sunday naps and food for thought; The comfort food of the menu, the Friday of the work week. While I would love to have baby mouths to feed one day, and I am the first one to say I love to learn from a good makeup tutorial, this is just a place for life. Real life. Not experts. Just a 20-something, baking her way through a 40-hour work week, with puppy snuggles as muse, and on the reg guilt free indulgence.  

And although there may not be an expertise in that, I hope that you too, will learn something while you are here.

Let’s forget all that pressure. Let’s laugh, let’s read, let’s eat.


  1. I just read your bio after following you for a while now, I love everything about what you have written. cheers!

  2. I've taken a bit of a break, but am ready to make a comeback :) Thanks so much for the sweet comment!


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